So I am seriously considering starting a second blog. I know that I haven't been posting as often on this one and part of that is due to sleep training with Jack (more on that in a little...) and Zach starting school. Since Zach has started classes up again, he's been using the computer more... and who can blame him?! They're all online! :) Anyway, this blog I'm considering would be about breastfeeding. Yes, I know. There are probably thousands of other blogs out there about breastfeeding, but I just really want to do it!
I came up with the idea after friends of mine (who recently had babies) came to me for advice on breastfeeding. I started thinking about how when Jack and I first started down that path, I had VERY little guidance! No one told me how difficult it was going to be! And don't get me wrong, I love breastfeeding and am a huge advocate of it. I think it's one of the best gifts you can give your child. But I had no idea just how frustrating it can be. The other thing I didn't know is that what I went through was TOTALLY NORMAL! So pretty much what I want to do is reassure other new moms out there that they are not alone when it comes to the frustrating parts of breastfeeding.
So there's my thought on that... on to the next topic! Jack is sleeping in his crib again tonight. I believe we're on night 6 now! I spent the first 4 nights in there with him in a sleeping bag on the floor, and I'm glad I did. He woke up several times the first and second nights and not quite so much the third and fourth. But it felt nice to be right there to reassure him when he woke up! Then last night I moved back into our room and only had to go into his room ONCE! He was asleep by about 7PM and woke up once around 8 wanting me to put his paci back in for him and then after that, he stirred a few times but went right back to sleep! I'm so proud of him! He woke up twice after I laid him down tonight, but I expected him to do that since he's been pretty gassy today. But still, twice so far is good! :)
Today was also day 6 of me being on medication for postpartum depression and I feel SO much better! I know you're supposed to allow 2 weeks for the medication to work properly, but I'm so glad I'm seeing results now. I wake up happy (at 7:30AM... unheard of for me! Haha) and things that would have frustrated me before now bounce right off of me. I'm also able to sleep at night now! Although I do need to start going to bed earlier... haha. At least midnight isn't as bad as 4 or 5 or 6AM!
Anyway, that's all in the news department of my life for now! Time to get some sleep... My day starts bright and early at 7:30 with the cutest little boy in the world. :) Goodnight...
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