Thursday, June 2, 2011

some parents...

   Okay... so today's post is mostly going to be a vent, just a few things I need to get off my chest! There are two "types" of parents that I'm going to cover. I AM NOT in any way saying that I think my parenting style is the best or anything like that. I know I make mistakes and I do things that probably make other parents cringe, but that's okay. As long as I know I am doing the best job I possibly can with raising my child.
   So, what sparked this little burst of outrage was being on one of the parenting chat forums I like to visit every once in awhile (it's nice to read from other moms that you're not the only one experiencing "xyz"). Anyway, there was a mom on there who was "lurking" (on a forum that did not include her child's age) and decided to throw in her two cents about a few different topic. If you are a parent, you should know by now that EVERY CHILD IS DIFFERENT! And that goes for everything! From eating, to teething, to sleeping, to pooping, to playing, to milestones... EVERYTHING.
   There was one person who was really annoying the CRAP out of me on one of the chat boards I go to. She was on the 9-12 month board, even though she has a 2 year old. We call those people "lurkers." And lurk she did. Which I normally have NO problem with. The times that I do have a problem with lurking, it's because that specific person is being a "know-it-all" parent. So, this is to her:

   Dear Lurker,

     Just because you have a toddler who is older than our babies and you've already been through this age group, DOES NOT mean you know everything about every baby in this age group! I'm really sorry that YOUR child wakes up at the crack of dawn every morning. But just because he does, doesn't mean all of our children will too once they become toddlers. Try adding a little structure to his day and maybe try buying a copy of The Sleep Lady's Good Night, Sleep Tight. There is actually a section on "Early Risers" in the chapter for one and a half to two and a half year olds... imagine that!
   And in case no one filled you in on this, every child is not only different with sleep habits, but they all handle teething differently as well! I'm sorry that your son screams and wakes up frequently at night when cutting teeth. That has to suck. I have a friend who's son is almost two and the only thing he does when he is cutting teeth is become clingy. He might whine and cry a little bit, but that's about as bad as it gets. My son, however, gets clingy and fussy during the day, but actually sleeps better when he is cutting teeth. Notice how each one is different??
   If you don't buy that book, I will have to send you a copy. And if it doesn't work, then I suggest you adjust YOUR schedule to fit your child's needs! Go to bed earlier so you are rested enough to wake up at the crack of dawn with him!



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